Dutch Bangla Bank Probationary Officer-2011


Question: 1 to 5: Fill in the Gaps.

Instruction: For each question, select the word(s)/phrase(s) that appropriately fill(s) in the gap(s)
1. Known for his commitment to noble causes, the philanthropist deserved............for his ...............
[DBBL Probationary Officer-2011 : 2011]
1. Recognition, error
2. reward ,anger
3. admonishment, love
4. credit, altruism
5. None of these
2. A major concern among Bangladeshi archeologists today is the preservation of our archeological sites, ____ are threatened by development.  
[DBBL Probationary Officer-2011 : 2011]
1. of which many
2. many of which
3. many of them
4. which many
5. None of these
3. The chemistry lab instructor informed us that the higher the temperature of a molecul----------.
[DBBL Probationary Officer-2011 : 2011]
1. the more energy it has
2. than it has more energy
3. more energy has it
4. it has more energy
5. None of these
4. Such a ----- glance can pay ----- attention to details
[DBBL Probationary Officer-2011 : 2011]
1. cryptic, close
2. cursory, little
3. fleeting , vigilant
4. keen, scanty
5. None of these
5. Rarely ---------  seen far from water.
[DBBL Probationary Officer-2011 : 2011]
1. spotted frogs
2. spotted frogs have
3. have spotted frogs
4. are spotted frogs
5. None of these

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